This is War!

There has been a rise in the idea of abiding over the past several years. This includes what many of us refer to as “extravagant time” spent with Jesus–time in which we fellowship with the Father, meditate on his Word, and listen to his voice. This is wonderful.

There is a different kind of prayer that is needed today. It’s warfare prayer. Some people equate this with intercession. There is nothing wrong with this idea, but I have a concern. Many in the global body of Christ will often refer to some of their members as having the “gift of intercession.” I’m not denying that reality.

However, what I’m convinced of is this–we’re living in a time of war. Abiding prayer will not win this battle. We need to fight for our marriages, our families, our churches, our communities, our nation, and the world.

I think of it this way. When Amy and I were dating all those years ago, we would pray for our upcoming wedding and our life together. We would pray for each other and the dreams we held together and individually. These were sweet times (and they have continued to be sweet throughout our marriage). However, when we realize that our family is under an all out assault from the enemy (Keep in mind that the word “Satan” actually means “adversary”), we don’t pray sweet prayers. Our voices raise, our tone changes, and there is a strong sense of deep desperation as we pray. These prayers are often accompanied by tears.

Spending extravagant time with the Father is wonderful. I’m so glad that we have this privilege. It builds the faith and trust that comes with relationship. Just remember that while those serving in the military during a time of war may enjoy time spent with their fellow soldiers, that isn’t why they’re there. They’re there because they have a common enemy upon which they are to do battle.

Watch the news, talk to people in your community, dialogue with those tasked to lead, and you’ll quickly realize that we’re living in a time of great spiritual war. Abiding prayers won’t win this war. So, let’s learn to do battle for our marriages, our families, our churches, our communities, our nation, and the world.

Here are some suggestions to help you grow in this area.

1. Nothing teaches like an example, so find someone who knows how to battle in prayer, and ask them if you can join them occasionally as they pray.

2. Ask God to give you something to do that is absolutely impossible, and then set out to do it. Nothing generates warfare prayer like desperation.

3. Practice praying out loud when you’re alone. This will feel strange initially, but don’t give up.

4. Ask God to allow you to feel his heart for the lost and broken.

5. Pray over scripture passages that deal with this subject (Ephesians 6:10-20, James 4:7, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, 1 Peter 5:8-9)

6. Read this blog post. Click here.

7. Pick up one or both of these books and pray through them…don’t just read them.

Spirit Walk by Steve Smith

E.M. Bounds on Prayer

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