No RESToration without Rest

Many people confuse a day off for a sabbath. A sabbath is an intentional day of nonproductivity. It’s a setting aside of work. The purpose isn’t simply rest, though that is certainly part of it. A sabbath is an act of trust. It’s a reliance on God–a turning away from production (what we can do) and a turning to faith (believing God will make up any sort fall).

Don’t get me wrong. I believe in hard work. I believe in being productive. I just don’t believe in a frantic lifestyle of busyness. I understand the adrenaline that comes along with this way of living and working. I also know that it isn’t healthy. Not only does it adversely affect our bodies, but it also eats away at our souls.

A proper keeping of a sabbath, and more importantly, living a “sabbath lifestyle,” leads to restoration. After all, there can be no RESToration without rest.