About Mark Renfroe

Mark Renfroe met his wife, Amy, while attending Southeastern University. Mark and Amy married in 1989. They have four adult children in whom they find much delight and motivation for prayer. They currently live in the Colorado Springs area.

The Renfroes became full-time missionaries in 1991 and served in this capacity with the Assemblies of God until 2021. Most of their missionary careers were spent living and serving in the Middle East. Mark currently serves as the Chief Missions Officer for World Challenge, the global ministry founded by the late David Wilkerson.

The Purpose of Overflow

I’ve spent over 30 years in full-time ministry. During that time, I’ve led organizations, implemented vision, celebrated some significant victories, and experienced several painful setbacks–both professional and personal.

If I’ve learned anything, it’s that God never wastes our pain.  He wants to redeem it, but we have to be willing to submit to his process for that to happen. He also wants to help us avoid landmines and lead in a way that builds his kingdom and brings glory to him.

That’s why I created this blog. I would rather you learn from my failures than repeat them yourself. Also, maybe some of my successes will help you along the way.

Jesus said, “…from the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.” This blog is an overflow of my heart and mind. It’s where I’ll process what I’m reading, living, and learning. It won’t always be pretty, but it will always be honest.
